Trending OSS companies

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Top OSS companies: LightRAG, Pumpkin

LightRAG: LightRAG is an advanced retrieval-augmented generation framework, showcasing significant performance...

Pumpkin: Pumpkin aims to revolutionize Minecraft server hosting with a fast, efficient, and customizable serv...

Top OSS companies: Aria, latitude-llm, openr, vortex, gosub-engine, pan

Aria: Aria is a state-of-the-art multimodal MoE model with 25.3B parameters, offering superior performance...

latitude-llm: Latitude is an open-source platform for prompt engineering, enabling collaborative building, evaluat...

openr: OpenR is an open-source framework designed to enhance advanced reasoning capabilities using large la...

vortex: Vortex offers a toolkit for working with compressed Apache Arrow arrays, aiming to replace Apache Pa...

gosub-engine: Gosub Engine is a browser engine project aiming to innovate with HTML5/CSS3 parsing, a rendering eng...

pan: Pan offers a lightweight, privacy-focused PHP analytics library for tracking page or component event...

Top OSS companies: cline, QuickPiperAudiobook, OmniSenseVoice, diamond

cline: Cline is an AI-powered IDE assistant capable of editing files, executing commands, and more, with a ...

QuickPiperAudiobook: QuickPiperAudiobook converts texts from multiple formats (PDF, epub, etc.) to natural-sounding audio...

OmniSenseVoice: Omni SenseVoice offers high-speed, accurate speech recognition with unique features like language de...

diamond: DIAMOND leverages diffusion models for reinforcement learning, enhancing AI agent training in comple...

Top OSS companies: F5-TTS

F5-TTS: F5-TTS: An advanced text-to-speech technology enhancing speech synthesis with novel flow matching te...

Top OSS companies: WebChat, scuda, huly-selfhost,

WebChat: WebChat is a decentralized, serverless browser extension for end-to-end encrypted chat on any websit...

scuda: SCUDA is a GPU-over-IP bridge that enables remote GPU attachment for CPU-only machines, facilitating...

huly-selfhost: Huly Self-Hosted is a resource-heavy application enabling users to deploy Huly on their servers. It ... is a Rust-based project enabling efficient, local CPU inference for Language Models (LLMs) wit...