learn-thing: A Next.js project that uses AI to generate interactive mind maps for learning, featuring markdown ex...
pg_parquet: pg_parquet is a PostgreSQL extension for reading and writing Parquet files, supporting direct intera...
ftl: FTL is a deployment tool making server setup and app deployment easy across cloud providers. Feature...
vulnhuntr: Vulnhuntr utilizes LLMs for zero-shot discovery of vulnerabilities in software codebases, transcendi...
bolt.new-any-llm: Bolt.new-any-llm enables full-stack web app development in the browser, offering choice among leadin...
mini-omni2: Mini-Omni2 is an open-source GPT-4o project with vision, speech, and duplex capabilities. It underst...
spiritlm: SpiritLM is an advanced NLP model blending spoken and written language, showcased in this repo with ...